Stash Pocket

$8.00 $16.00
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The Catamount Outdoor Gear Stash Pockets provide the perfect balance of weight and capacity, to help keep you organized. Various sizes provide ultimate organization for small items like headlamps and spare batteries, all the way to multiple day food caches, kill kits, cooking gear or anything else you don't want floating around. These stash pockets are the solution if you are looking to get all of your gear organized for quick and easy access.
Name |
Dimensions |
Capacity | Weight |
Mini | 3.5" tall x 6" wide | 0.5L | 24g |
Small | 5.5" tall x 8" wide | 1.0L | 35g |
Medium | 7.5" tall x 10" wide | 2.0L | 47g |
Large | 9.5" tall x 12" wide | 4.0L | 64g |
Extra Large | 11.5" tall x 15.5" wide | 8.0L |
88g |
All materials used are 100% American Made
500D Cordura
#8 Zipper Chain
#8 Zipper Slider
3/32" Posi-Lock Zipper Pulls
1" Binding